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EMV FAQ’s for Merchants

What is EMV? EMV stands for EuroPay, MasterCard, Visa, the three entities that worked together to create worldwide standards for the chip card to ensure global interoperability. EMV is a microchip-based technology designed to reduce the fraudulent use of credit and debit cards at the point of sale. Banks are beginning to issue payment cards… Continue reading EMV FAQ’s for Merchants

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Key Steps for the Gym Turnaround

  By: Jim Thomas The first step is critical.  You must recognize the need.  Most gym owners wait until it’s too late.  If you have a problem…face up to it now! Speaking from my consulting experience, don’t wait to admit the need until the patient is on the operating table. The longer you avoid what’s… Continue reading Key Steps for the Gym Turnaround


CRS Enhancements from September

  Here are a few highlights from the past month: A new report has been added to CRS. The Chargeback Summary can help users track chargebacks and chargeback reposts for payments drafted through ABC member billing and ABC-collected Club Account. Final Invoices Available vs. Actual Journal Entries by Profit Center has been released. Formerly, only… Continue reading CRS Enhancements from September